The OFCCP’s “Early Resolution Conciliation Agreement” (ERCA) program has been so successful that the agency has revised the Directive that created it, and tightened things up based on the agency’s experience with the program since it was introduced in 2019. The most talked about change is that the conciliation agreements resulting from the Continue Reading...
OFCCP Releases 2024 CSAL
The OFCCP has released the first Corporate Scheduling Announcement List (CSAL) of 2024 with 500 new AAP locations or functions selected, but not yet scheduled, for audit. The full list can be found on the OFCCP’s website here. The agency is required to select contractors for audits through an “administratively neutral” process. While it is not Continue Reading...
Preparing to Launch: NILG 2024 National Conference
The upcoming National Industry Liaison Group’s (NILG) annual conference promises to be an elevated event for professionals in the fields of Affirmative Action, Equal Employment Opportunity, and Diversity/Inclusion. Biddle Consulting Group (BCG) is honored to join the distinguished panel of experts delivering key programming at this highly Continue Reading...
Big Changes to Race/Ethnicity Self-Identification Ahead
The federal government has now revised its standards for collecting race and ethnicity information for just the second time since they were developed in 1977. The first, and still controversial revision came in 1997 when “Hispanic” was split out as an ethnicity and the federal government began asking about Hispanic ethnicity separately from Continue Reading...
OFCCP Publishes Updated Veteran Benchmark
Well, technically they have updated the percentage of veterans in the civilian labor force published on the OFCCP’s website, which is what most sane contractors use to set their veteran hiring benchmark for their VEVRAA AAP. The current benchmark is 5.4%, but effective Sunday, March 31, that figure will drop to 5.2%. AAPs with a start date Continue Reading...