In today’s ultra-competitive market, your company can have the most robust tech stack, the best product lineup, and the greatest marketing on the planet — and still fall behind. Why? None of this matters if you haven’t hired the right people. This is an all-too-common issue. Too often, candidate sourcing, recruiting, interviewing, and onboarding Continue Reading...
A Deep Dive Into Biddle’s Test Development and Validation
A good hiring decision can make all the difference. Successful hires can elevate the entire team by hitting the ground running and catching on quickly. Meanwhile, poor hiring decisions can hold back an organization; choosing the wrong person for the job can disrupt productivity and require extensive training and supervision from Continue Reading...
Understanding the Power of Written and Ability Tests
Even after reviewing résumés and conducting interviews, hiring a new employee can sometimes feel like making a high-stakes wager. Bet well, and you have an employee who excels at their job and improves the organization as a whole. Bet poorly, however, and you’re left with someone who requires an excessive amount of supervision and training just to Continue Reading...
The Biddle Method: Job Analysis and Structured Interviews
Bad hires hurt businesses. But practically every business leader can tell at least one story about a hiring mistake that led to stilted productivity, low team morale, and costly wheel spinning.This begs an important question: Why do recruitment efforts fail so frequently? After all, hiring is an integral part of the business experience. If we Continue Reading...
Defining the Group with the Highest Selection Rate in Adverse Impact Analysis: Uniform Guidelines Methods May Mislead
Adverse Impact (AI) analysis between two groups is simple and straightforward. Historically, Whites were considered the majority compared to all other groups, but today best practices dictate a closer look at all race groups. AI investigations become significantly more complex when there are two or more groups to analyze, such as the case with Continue Reading...